Ethanol supply scenarios and Otto cycle demand

The Ethanol Supply Scenarios and Otto Cycle Demand is a document prepared by the Biofuels Area of the Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Department of EPE. With this study, EPE aims to contribute to the identification of opportunities and threats to the domestic supply of Otto cycle light-duty vehicles (ethanol and automotive gasoline), as well as for the discussion about public policy alternatives.

The document presents ethanol supply scenarios and its consequences for the Otto cycle demand and for the national balance of gasoline type A.


​In addition to the ethanol supply scenarios and Otto cycle demand, this document includes the bioelectricity from sugarcane exported to the National Interconnected System, the potential of biogas production and an evaluation of the investments associated to each scenario. Also is presented the sugar-energy sector contribution for greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) reduction in the Energy Sector. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic in the scenarios is considered.


​In this edition, some assumptions regarding ethanol from lignocellulose, corn ethanol and energy cane were detailed. Furthermore, the document includes the bioelectricity from sugarcane exported to the National Interconnected System and the potential of biogas production. Besides, it evaluates the sugar-energy sector contribution for greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) reduction in the Energy Sector and an assessment of associated investments.


In this edition, some specific assumptions were explained and a second trajectory was inserted for certain variables in the scenario of high growth in the ethanol supply, due to the rapid processing of the National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio).

In addition, the document included the presentation of sugarcane bioelectricity supply exported to the National Interconnected System and the biogas production potential for each scenarios elaborated, as well as an estimate of the contribution of the sugar-energy sector to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission in the Energy Sector and an assessment of the associated investments.